Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

How to Write a Newspaper Column

Writing a newspaper column is easy; getting it published takes work.
  1. Prepare a sample of your writing and a cover letter.
  2. Contact the papers that you are looking for and ask if they would be willing to print your article or are looking for articles on certain topics.
  3. Short articles are normally 500 words or fewer; columns are 1200 words or fewer. This is an average and will vary from paper to paper. Keep your writing within these guidelines unless otherwise requested.
  4. Columnists don't often get to write about topics of their choice. Be prepared to research what the papers are looking for.
  5. Enjoy writing. If you do not get pleasure out of your writing, it will reflect in the final product.
  6. Define your own standpoint. Article without standpoint is boring & readers cannot understand what are you standing for.
  • Send letter and sample of writing to editor for first contact via snail mail (unless otherwise requested by the editor).
  • Most first contacts are never made when sent through e-mail or fax. Editors get many faxes and e-mails and most will disregard the ones from people they do not know.
  • Be prepared for rejection. You may try to get into 100 papers and not get accepted by one, but it's also possible the first one may be your jackpot. In all, rejection is a very common part of writing.
  • Every writer has a unique style. Do not try to copy the style of any writer. You should define your own unique style.
  • If possible, write in Associated Press format. Journalism's punctuation is very different than your normal english formatting.
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